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AgeSpan of the Merrimack Valley Honors Seniors

AgeSpan is celebrating “50 Years of Inspiring Aging: Celebrating the Power, Value, and Voices of Older Adults.”

Earlier this year, a call went out for people to tell AgeSpan about the inspiring older adults they know. At a luncheon held on May 2, four individuals from Tewksbury were among the fifty who were recognized for their contributions, dedication and support of our senior citizens.

Jan Conole tirelessly gives back to the community of Tewksbury through her role as the Director of the Council on Aging (COA). Leading by example, she makes it a priority to listen to the concerns of the residents and works to fulfill improvement requests. Jan’s efforts have resulted in the creation of a safe, inviting space for all older adults to socialize and learn about resources in the community. She takes pride in her job and makes herself available when people have concerns or suggestions. Jan doesn’t hesitate to improve, innovate, or provide whatever it takes to make a program, class, or event go smoothly. Her caring approach has helped keep the Tewksbury COA an exceptional place to visit.

After a full career in education, it seems Ralph Natola has so much more to offer (Ralph was the principal of the North Street School in Tewksbury until he retired in 2004). He then went on to become the driving school manager at AAA for five years. It was an easy transition to then become a part-time van driver at the Tewksbury Senior Center, where he goes above and beyond his duties. In addition to the daily shopping trips or medical appointments, Ralph does his “best to connect senior riders with local resources like bereavement groups or tax help when needed”. “Tewksbury is fortunate to have an outstanding, committed, and caring individual.”

Joan Lawrence teaches fitness, yoga and meditation classes at the Center. During the pandemic she recorded her fitness classes for the Tewksbury cable station, so people could stay active and connected. Joanie, as she likes to be called, is always smiling and upbeat. “She brings joy and smiles to everyone she meets and has that special ability to make every class a fun and happy space.” The staff and the members of the Senior Center are “fortunate to see her almost everyday teaching, caring and inspiring.”

Katherine “Kay” Maher has been a driving force at the Tewksbury Senior Center despite never obtaining a driver’s license. At the age of 95, she works three days a week at the center’s reception desk and helps with the consignment shop intake each month. Kay manages the whist and cribbage games, and she participates in the ever-popular bingo. She is a member of the Golden Age Club and Friends of the Elderly, always helping with yard sales and bake tables and their fundraising efforts. “Kay is a top-notch volunteer loved by everyone and a true inspiration.”

Congratulations Jan and Ralph (top), Joanie and Kay (above), your commitments to the Tewksbury Senior Center are an inspiration to all of us.

AgeSpan, formerly known as Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley and North Shore, is a private, nonprofit agency dedicated to helping people in northeast Massachusetts maintain the highest level of independence, health, and safety as they age. For more information about AgeSpan and its services, visit or call 800-892-0890.

Donna Gill covers Senior Center and COA news for the Carnation.

One Comment

  1. Barry June 24, 2024

    What happened to this website?

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