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Tewksbury’s Montuori Announces Retirement

Longtime Town Manager will step down effective October 2.

In a letter dated today and shared with the Carnation, Tewksbury Town Manager Richard Montuori announced that he will retire effective Jan. 28, 2025. The town will say goodbye sooner, however, as he takes accrued vacation time starting Oct. 2 of this year.

Montuori has been Tewksbury’s town manager for 14 years, since January of 2010, and is widely seen as one of the top professionals to hold that position in the Merrimack Valley, if not the state. Under his leadership the town achieved a AA+ bond rating and was able to fund a new DPW without a debt exclusion.

Before becoming Tewksbury’s second ever town manager, Montuori was executive vice president at MassDevelopment, the state’s finance and development authority, and was on the municipal staffs in both Billerica and Marshfield. He holds a master’s degree in public administration from Suffolk University.

Former Select Board Chair Todd Johnson previously called the decision to not renew the contract of previous town manager David Cressman, in 2009, which paved the way for the hiring of Montuori, “both the hardest and best decision” he had made in his years on the Select Board.

“We are blessed to have hired Mr. Montuori as town manager 11 years ago,” said Johnson. “His professionalism, high ethical standards, and commitment to excellence were reasons to forge on when I was tired or distracted. As a multi-year chairperson, I interacted with him regularly and see firsthand the tremendous work and leadership he brings in his role each day.” 

In his letter, Montuori said that he has greatly enjoyed working for the town and with all the members who have served on the Select Board.

“I am grateful for the Board’s trust in me and their support during my tenure,” he wrote. “I believe we worked well together to address difficult issues and achieve goals in the best interests of the Town of Tewksbury. I appreciate the opportunity the Board gave me. I believe the past 14 years have been positive and successful.”

Montuori also thanked the residents of the community for their trust in all the projects, programs and initiatives brought forward during his tenure, along with the members of the Finance Committee. But in typical fashion, he gave credit to town employees for the advancements Tewksbury has seen since 2010.

“They are the reason the Town has had success over the past 14 years,” he wrote of staff. “They are an outstanding group of individuals who set aside self-interest to work together as a cohesive team, and I am proud to have worked with each and every one of them. They have worked to provide the highest level of service to the residents, and they deserve all the credit for the Town’s achievements. The residents of this Town are fortunate to have them, and the Town’s future is very bright because of them.”

Lorna is a U.S. Army veteran and 25-year resident of Tewksbury who has written for organizations ranging from the DIA to InformationWeek to a free weekly in New London that sent her to interview the pastry chef at Foxwoods.

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