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Select Board Approves Additional $450,000 for Soldier On Veterans Home

Buckley: ‘We have nothing but full buildings’

The Select Board met last night without James Mackey, who is attending the Cyber Yankee conference hosted by the Massachusetts National Guard.

Ramanvir Saini appeared for renewal of a common victualler license for Giovanni’s Roast Beef & Pizza at 2144 Main St., between JT Cakes and Timberdoodles. With all needed sign offs, that approval was unanimous.

Soldier On Receives Funding
Bruce Buckley and Peter Graham appeared for Soldier On, which is requesting an additional $450,000 from the Tewksbury Affordable Housing Trust Fund for its $9.7 million veterans housing build at 1660 Main St. The town previously allocated $500,000.

“This was an expensive project, and then it became more expensive,” said Graham.  

With $950,000 in total funding, the town will have paid $45,000 per affordable unit. Graham said that’s average on a per-unit basis for Tewksbury. Soldier On also raised $910,000 in additional funding from private and state sources. The land was donated via Tewksbury Home Build.

“We did come into a project where the soil conditions were not in our favor,” said Graham, and a very wet fall as well as an active beaver dam added costs. Many residents observed the extensive site preparation that needed to be done on the lot.

Learn more about the project here.

Buckley shared that Soldier On puts all rent received back into the wrap-around services provided to veterans. They expect to carry a $950,000 mortgage for the Tewksbury building.

“We don’t give one building a different level of support than another,” said Buckley. He added that five veterans have already expressed interest, three of them over 55.

“A veteran who’s living in senior housing, if they choose this because of all the services, would free up units in other senior housing in town,” he  said.

Vice-chair Mark Kratman asked how quickly they expect to fill the building once it opens, citing veterans living in hotels because of a lack of housing.

“Day 1,” said Buckley. “We have nothing but full buildings.”

Kratman also pointed out that the Affordable Housing Trust Fund is not taxpayer dollars.

“This is money that came to us from developers that paid fee in lieu of building affordable housing,” he said. “I can’t imagine a better use of this money.”

Graham said the $500,000 would fund the contingency, solar panels and fit-and-finish items for the apartments, among other line items. The building will meet the town’s stretch energy code, meaning there will be EV chargers as well as solar panels. Developers fees will remain with the project.

On questioning from Jayne Wellman, Graham said Soldier On would invoice against the Trust Fund versus a lump sum.

“I’m particularly interested in seeing affordable housing funds go to general housing,” said Wellman, but indicated that she supported the request. “The reality is, we have a lot of people looking for affordable housing in Massachusetts right now.” 

“That’s the truth,” said Graham.

Ryder said he’d love to have the units go to Tewksbury veterans but also supported the additional funding.

“This money came from developers who paid us to not have affordable units,” said Ryder. “We can’t wait to see it when it’s all done.”

Chair Pat Holland questioned other sources of revenue, asking why the town is the largest additional contributor for this project.

“We filled lots of gaps,” said Graham, saying 9.7% of the build cost would be funding from Tewksbury.

“I just think $450,000 is a big ask,” said Holland. 

The vote was three to one, with Holland voting no.

“Thank you very much,” said Buckley. “We become part of the community — we don’t just build the building.”

Wellman asked how a veteran who would like to be considered for a unit can submit an application. The answer: Drop Graham a line. In addition, Soldier On will hold a meeting on Wed., May 29 at 10 a.m. at the Senior Center to begin accepting applications. There will be additional meetings throughout the summer.

Update: Veteran’s agent Lisa Downey says her office is not involved in and has no knowledge of the application process.

Residents who would like to help furnish the apartments will be able to donate via an Amazon Wish List. We will publish that information when we get it.

Member Reports
Kratman asked for an official from the Tewksbury State Hospital to come before the board to explain how they will ensure the safety of residents, given recent issues at the facility. Town Manager Richard Montuori will invite TSH Executive Director Amy Dumont and potentially the head of security for a meeting, possibly in June. Holland said the entire Select Board should be present. 

This is not the first time the town has asked for a sit-down with leaders of the state-run facility. Kratman said striking union nurses, who picketed outside the Library on Monday protesting conditions at the hospital, told him they feel unsafe at work.

Town counsel invoices totaling $6,333.50 for the month of April were approved, as were minutes.

Ryder said he is looking to set up an Economic Development Committee meeting in a few weeks. He will reach out to other boards for representatives.

Wellman said the TDEAIC is finalizing plans for the June 2 Pride Picnic on the Common, which will run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Any groups wishing to have a table or food vendors that would like to attend can reach out.  

Kratman said the Tewksbury/Wilmington Taste of the Town is tonight at the Hilton, and all proceeds go to fund scholarships in the community. He also reminded residents of the Memorial Day service at 10 a.m. at the Tewksbury Cemetery and the parade immediately following at 11 a.m. He expects a flyer this week.

Holland called out Town Clerk Denise Graffeo and her team for a well-run Town Meeting.

“They did a fantastic job,” he said. “So thank you.”

The Select Board meets next on June 4.

Lorna is a U.S. Army veteran and 25-year resident of Tewksbury who has written for organizations ranging from the DIA to InformationWeek to a free weekly in New London that sent her to interview the pastry chef at Foxwoods.

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